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District & Board » How to Address the Board of Trustees

How to Address the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees encourages your participation in its deliberations and has tried to make it convenient for you to express your views to the Board.


Following are the instructions for submitting a Request to Address the Board during virtual School Board meetings in accordance with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health guidelines. If you wish to address the Board on any agenda item, a "Request to Address the Board" must be submitted via email to [email protected] by 4:00 p.m. (Closed Session Items) and 5:00 p.m. (Hearing Session).  Please see additional instructions under "Public Comments on Closed Session Items" and "Hearing Session".  Twenty minutes will be allocated for each subject; please limit your comments to a maximum of three minutes when read aloud. Your request must contain your name, address, phone number, and the organization you represent. Your comments, in their entirety, will be provided to the Governing Board for their review, read aloud (if requested), and made part of the meeting record. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda.


Following are the instructions for submitting a Request to Address the Board during in-person Governing Board Meetings:  Fill out a speaker card and give it to the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent as soon as possible and prior to the start of the meeting. Any additional materials (e.g. copies of your remarks, charts or graphs, copies of articles, or reports) you present will be copied and presented to all Board members after the meeting. The Board President will randomly call on persons submitting cards.

Should you wish to present a letter for inclusion in the Board packet, it must be received by the Superintendent's Office by noon one week before a scheduled Board meeting. Please indicate that you would like it included in the packet. Correspondence attached to an email ([email protected]) and received as noted will be included in the packet; however, email correspondence itself will not be included.


If you wish to address the Board on an item that is not on the agenda, you may speak during the Open Forum which is scheduled. Board members are legally prohibited from discussing non-agenda items and, therefore, cannot respond to items presented in this venue. (Any additional material you present at a Board meeting will be copied and presented to all Board members after the meeting.)

Because of the short notice often associated with posting special meetings and study sessions, there is no Open Forum at these meetings. The public is welcome, however, to address any item that is posted on agendas for special meetings and study sessions. As these meetings are less formal, the format for discussion may vary slightly from what is presented above. 

Board agendas are very full and time is limited. For that reason, we request that you speak only once on an item and that you limit your remarks either when addressing an agenda item or when speaking in the Open Forum to a maximum of three minutes. If numerous individuals request to speak on a particular item or in the Open Forum, the Board President may limit the total time allocated to each speaker to ensure that all wishing to speak will be heard. 

A citizen may request that an item may be placed on the Board Agenda by submitting a written request and supporting information to the Superintendent's Office at least one week in advance of the scheduled Board meeting. The Superintendent, in consultation with the Board President will determine if the request is within the jurisdiction of the Board and if the item has previously been on the Board Agenda.  If the item is appropriate for the Board Agenda, it will be determined at which upcoming regular Board meeting the item will be scheduled. The person who requested the item will be allowed three minutes at the meeting to present the information to the Board. Following this presentation the Board may address the issue, put the issue on a future agenda for further discussion and action, refer the issue to the administration for follow-up, or take no action.