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District and Board Action Plans


Goals and Actions 


Goal #



Castaic Union School District will provide a high quality education to raise the academic achievement of all students



Action #







Qualified and appropriately assigned teachers

Provide all students with highly effective teachers. Teachers will be assigned and fully credentialed for the students they are teaching.


Core Instructional materials

All students will receive standards aligned core instructional materials to support learning. All students have access to a universal core curricula for all content areas that are research-based and aligned to content standards and frameworks. English learners have access to the state standards and the English Language Development standards for purposes of gaining academic content knowledge and English language proficiency. Students attending universal transitional kindergarten will be provided with core instructional material appropriate for this grade level.


Action #







Supplemental Instructional Materials

Supplemental instructional materials will be provided to support all students in accessing standards based instruction. Instructional materials such as Mystery Science and Classroom Mathematics will be available to all students at the appropriate grade level.


Technology and

Digital Access

Purchase and provide support staff to support the implementation of technology. Equipment for basic program operations and classrooms will be purchased based on a District purchase/replacement plan.


Classroom supplies and materials

Provide each school with funds to purchase classroom materials and supplies. All students will have sufficient school materials.


Digital Platforms for planning and surveys

Contract with Document Tracking planning service to align the LCAP and the School Plans. Contract with Youth Truth Surveys to provide district wide surveys for students, parents and staff.


District and School


Provide District and school level administrative staff to direct and implement District and school programs.


Professional Development for Certificated Staff

Based on teacher and administrator input the District will provide professional development sessions that will support teachers in addressing the increasingly diverse needs of the students in the District.


To address this achievement gap all teachers will receive professional development in Universal Design for Learning. Additionally, professional development opportunities will be offered after school hours on topics including effective implementation of small group instruction, effective use of supplemental materials and specific strategies to increase engagement.


Action #







Assessment and


Provide staff training on tools used for assessment and accountability including Jupiter Grading, CAASPP, ELPAC and district benchmarks




There is a continued need in the District for teachers to collaborate and review the academic progress being made by our low income students and English learners on a regular and systematic basis. As a result of implementing this practice for the past year, the gap in achievement between these two student groups and all of our students has decreased. This is an LEA wide need since all schools have been impacted by the increased number of low income students and English learners.


We will continue to provide opportunities for staff to collaborate and plan using a Professional Learning Community model. We will continue to implement grade level collaboration meetings at the elementary school level and department meetings at the middle school level. These PLC meetings will be held, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis with each grade level/department and will be facilitated by the principal. Teams will analyze

a variety of data, identify specific actions to implement and identify/create a common formative assessments that will be administered to students to determine progress. At least three times per year District staff will meet with each grade level/department to review data, determine successful instructional practices and identify areas of continued need related to low income students and English learners.


Implement Science of


Develop a plan to implement and provide professional development to all TK -3 teachers in the science of reading research and the use appropriate instructional materials to support this implementation


Improve student writing

Continue to develop and train teachers on district writing assessments that will be administered in grades K-8 three times per year; data will be used

to inform instructional needs in writing


Action #







Supplemental Materials and Technology to Support Intervention

Supplemental materials will be available to support students who are performing below grade level.  These materials will be used for students receiving intervention support both in the learning centers and the classroom. These materials will  provide students with alternative strategies and additional practice not available in the core materials.


Students who do not have access to a computer and the internet at home will have access to these as needed.



Goal #



CUSD will provide a high quality education program for all students focusing on academic intensity implementing a Multi-tiered System of Support to narrow the achievement gap for all student groups



Action #







Provide intervention teachers for elementary Learning Centers

There is an achievement gap  among English learners and low income students as compared to all students in Castaic. Therefore in addition to the classroom supports and intervention provided by teachers, there are some students who need more intensive instructional support to close this gap.


The District will provide an intervention teacher for each elementary school. As a result of this action students needing more intensive intervention support will receive small group instruction on targeted essential standards and the prerequisites skills for these standards in English language arts and math four days each week. Students will be regularly assessed to determine if the intervention is meeting students' needs.


Provide services for students with disabilities

The District serves students with disabilities at all schools in the District. Students receive specialized academic instruction with some students receiving other services as described in their IEP. These services include the support of paraeducators, speech therapists, occupational therapists and counselors. Special education service providers will receive professional development to ensure that IEPs are compliant and



This action will address the significant needs of students with disabilities in English language arts at Northlake Hills and in math at Castaic Middle School.

Action #










Provide services for

English Learners

English learners need additional support to be successful with grade level expectations in the classroom where English is the language of instruction and in achieving English proficiency.


To provide this support the District will provide the following services and support:

    bilingual instructional assistants will support English learners (newcomers) with access to core instruction in the classroom while they are attaining English proficiency

    EL Lead teachers will ensure that English learners receive the support they may need to be successful in the classroom and support teachers through professional development and coaching support

    provide supplemental instructional materials that will specifically be targeted for long term English learners and newcomers (Rosetta Stone, Achieve 3000, Elevation)

    provide EL Winter Academy focusing on ELPAC

readiness(expanded learning opportunity)

    professional development for teachers and administrators on current pedagogy and strategies supporting English learners


Implement a comprehensive assessment plan to identify and target academic needs

The District will purchase several assessments (Next Gen Math, DIBELS) that will principally be used to target the academic needs of low income students and English learners to identify the barriers in making progress towards meeting grade level expectations. These  assessments will allow for teachers to monitor students' progress on specific skills and concepts and determine which students may need additional /intensive academic support.


Extended Learning


Continue to implement a variety of extended learning opportunities to support students continuing to experience the effects of lost instructional

Action #








time and to reduce the achievement gap. These opportunities may include tutoring, enrichment opportunities and summer programs which will include the Jumpstart to Kindergarten program for TK students transitioning to kindergarten


A late bus transportation will be provided for those students needing transportation to participate.


The impact of this action will be on the increased achievement levels of unduplicated students on both local and state assessments.


Provide Intervention Support for Middle School

The middle school will be provided with an intervention teacher and (2) instructional aides to provide targeted and additional support to mitigate learning loss. Intervention materials will be provided to address the specific learning gaps. This support will be provided in ELA and math.


This action will support the needs of students with disabilities performing at a "very low" level in math at Castaic Middle School.


Goal #



CUSD will operate to increasing efficiency and effectiveness in all areas of operation, promoting a safe and positive school environment



Action #







Schoolwide Behavior

Support Staff

Provide staff to ensure students receive the social/emotional and behavioral support needed to be successful in school through the monitoring of behavior contracts and ensuring social emotional skills that have been taught are being implemented. Behavior support staff will work with specific students experiencing high needs in behavior support.

With the implementation of this action students will have a decreased number of office referrals, suspensions, increased attendance and decreased chronic absenteeism.


This action will support the student groups at the "very high" and "high levels" of suspension.

Action #







Operations Support


Provide support staff for all schools that create effective school operations

(noon duty, school nurse, health office staff).


Ensure Standards of


Provide maintenance, facilities, and custodial staff to maintain safe and clean facilities and grounds


Provide Administrative Support for Implementation of Services for students

A Director of Educational Service, who will be partially funded, with supplemental funds, will work with school staff to provide and coordinate parent workshops, ensure English learners are receiving the support and services that have been planned, implement re-engagement plans for chronically absent students, and coordinate extended school activities and programs for students both academically and socially and emotionally who are identified as having needs in these areas.


Contracts and Services for District Operations

Provide adequate funding to support District operations including:

insurance, utilities, legal fees, etc.


Home to School and Special Ed. Transportation

Provide students with transportation to and from school based on Board of Education policy and provide students with disabilities with transportation based on their IEP.


Provide transportation to school for students living in remote locations

Low-income students living in remote parts of the District will receive transportation to and from school.  Additionally, students living in these areas will receive transportation so that they will be able to participate in extended learning opportunities.


This action will support socio-economically disadvantaged students who are identified as in the "very high" and "high" ranges of chronic absenteeism.

Action #










Professional Development to Support Positive School Climate

The District will provide staff with professional development (Capturing Kids Hearts) and coaching support for classroom management and the implementation of positive behavior strategies to improve school climate. The District will support schools' participation in the School Ambassadors Program which builds students' leadership capacity.


These activities will promote caring relationships and support high expectations and meaningful participation among students.


This action is intended to support those student groups who are being suspended at a high level per the Dashboard and student groups who have high chronic absenteeism rates per the Dashboard.


Provide Counseling


Provide a counselor for the middle school to provide academic and social/emotional counseling services.


Implement Attendance and Engagement Plan

Implement a tiered plan for increasing student attendance and engagement. Develop and implement individual attendance improvement plans to provide students with the appropriate support to address  chronic absenteeism


Build Parent


Create activities, space and opportunities to connect with parents as partners in their children’s education. This action when implemented, will provide parents with important information that will impact students achievement, behavior and address social /emotional needs. A parent liaison will help to coordinate parent workshops, child care will be available so that more parents can attend workshops and school events and parents will be able to participate in leadership positions available at the school and district.

Action #










Provide community based counseling

The District will contract with the Hart School District to provide intensive community based counseling/mental health services to support the social/emotional needs principally directed to low income students and foster youth who require more intensive support. This service will be provided to students LEA wide with a goal of increasing identified students' attendance and school connectedness.


Inclusive Practices and Classroom management coach

The District will provide a coach to support teachers with the implementation of inclusive practices and classroom management.


Provide students with behavior support to decrease lost academic time

Based on a review of our suspension data and having identified that across the district we do not currently do not use a consistent process for determining office discipline referrals and suspensions, the District will implement a District wide plan to address alternatives to suspension. Additionally staff will receive training on defining consistent reasons for office discipline referrals.