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District and Board Action Plans

Board Goals and Action Steps to Address Board Goals


 1. Maintain focus on student achievement through quality instruction resulting in high levels of learning for all students keeping in mind the Strategic Goal (1.1) “sustains a high rate of success and growth for all students in all curricular areas.”


-Maintain our commitment to the ExCEL/Encore process for reading and remain vigilant about keeping ExCEL instruction “pure”.

-Adhere to all content area pacing guides K-8 working within grade level and departmental teams to differentiate for all students and amplify student growth no matter where students fall on the learning spectrum.

-Reflect, review and revise History/Social Studies, Science and Physical Education pacing guides to align with standards and grading systems.

-Continue to keep parents informed of student progress and provide strategies for them to work as partners at the school sites.

-Continue to implement/train staff in the DLM preschool curriculum at all Community, State and Special Education Preschool sites to better prepare students for the elementary environment.

-Plan for 2012 Transitional Kindergarten (TK) implementation.

-Continue implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI2) throughout the entire district.

-Monitor systemic implementation of ongoing ELD instruction and EL/RFEP student achievement.

-Implement and monitor (K-8) anti-bullying strategies for all CUSD students and staff.

-Train Board Members, District Administrators, and staff regarding the philosophy of 21st Century Learning.

-Implement and monitor Full-Day Kindergarten at all elementary schools.


2. Ensure that curriculum and instruction meet state standards, Strategic Goal (1.2); CUSD implements a balanced curriculum that is aligned with state standards and promotes student achievement.”


-Increase student awareness of standards and focus students on standards progress. (K-8)

-Maintain a focus on the state standards utilizing backwards mapping in response to standards-aligned assessment tools. Discuss standards that must be re-taught during PLC – planning time.

-Ensure that leadership and grade level PLC teams utilize CST and CELDT data to develop and revise Single School Plans for Student Achievement.

-Continue to monitor the district-wide SST process.

-Continue to evaluate AVID’s effectiveness by monitoring academic progress of 7th and 8th grade students.

-Develop district-wide Special Education benchmarks to effectively and purposefully analyze student progress toward proficiency of state standards and IEP goals.

-Select a district-wide Universal screening tool to assist in the RTI2 process.

-Monitor CUSD student progress upon promotion to High School.

-Continue to enhance knowledge and tools available in analyzing data to support instruction.

-Implement SMART Training (K-8) – Trainer of Trainers during the 2011-2012 school year.

-Train/implementation of new ELD materials and ELD online assessments.

-Train/Monitor the progress of the Newhall Writing Project at the elementary level and Jane Schaeffer/6 Traits Writing at the middle school level.

-Provide opportunities for professional development to integrate the VAPA standards into all academic content areas.


3. Ensure accountability for student achievement by all employees at all levels, Strategic Goal (3.2); “CUSD promotes teamwork and respect among employees through opportunities for meaningful participation, validation, and recognition to better meet student needs.”


-Promote collaboration with all district preschools to ensure a smooth transition to the K-8 program.

-Twice yearly, continue to complete classroom and program evaluations for Early Childhood Environment rating scales.

-Implement cross-grade level observations/collaboration between all grades K-8

-Ensure district compliance with state requirements through self-reviews and FPM processes.

-Promote unity of purpose and mission at all levels – district, site, departmental and through staff development plans.

-All professional development and training opportunities reinforce district goals.

-Implement regular structured training for our classified staffs.

-Continue to pursue the Co-teaching method at Castaic Middle School.

-Provide opportunities for administrators to participate in professional development pertinent to their job description.


4. Continue and expand implementation of the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) concept to ensure effective, standards-based instruction supported by all stakeholders. Strategic Goal (1.3); “Instructional program based on current research and state standards for teacher effectiveness and student achievement.”


-Maintain the team collaboration model for planning instruction, discussing students, and analyzing data.

-Department/Content/Team calendar review in regards to scheduling projects, tests, and assessments.

-Promote shared decision-making in all professional settings.

-Provide time for collaboration regarding the Newhall Writing Project, Jane Schaeffer Writing Process and Six Traits Writing to ensure continued success.

-Provide time for refreshing GLAD practices and strategies.


5. Continue regular, ongoing professional collaboration to support learning for all students. Strategic Goal (1.3)


-Initiate regular, scheduled professional collaboration concerning our English Learners where

student progress is evaluated and instructional strategies are offered to assist teachers in

improving student achievement.

-Reflect, review and revise GATE programming. Initiate regular, scheduled professional

collaboration concerning our GATE students where we analyze student progress and plan

enrichment opportunities.

-Reflect, review and revise how to better serve our Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students

and be watchful and responsive regarding their needs.

-Increase where possible new community partnerships to support homeless and disadvantaged

students and families.

-Promote job-alike training for specialized staff and frequently used substitutes.

-Continue to offer staff opportunities to become professional experts and district trainers.

-Provide parent education opportunities for all Pre-K through 8th-grade parents.


6. Expand effective use of information analysis, including data, to support excellent teaching and achievement for all students. Strategic Goal (1.1)


-Ensure all teachers are trained in the use of Edusoft for analyzing student data and designing instructional supports.

-Continue to promote the effective use of data.

-Provide data to support and improve instruction for English Learners.

-Analyze areas of weakness to facilitate the improvement of preschool programs using “desired results” from the CDE’s Developmental Profile Assessment Report.


7. Focus on preparing students for higher education through improved instruction and intervention. Strategic Goal (1.5)


-Continue the positive upward trend of Castaic Middle School’s promotion rate.

-Continue to provide an alternative learning setting for students who struggle with the general education environment to promote their progress in higher educational settings as needed.

-Initiate time for elementary staff to collaborate with middle school staff in positive and purposeful environments where student needs are at the forefront of all conversations.

-Continue to improve environments for students with physical disabilities to learn and grow and become productive citizens.

-Continue to provide enrichment opportunities for all students K-8, both during and after school.

-Prepare preschool students for kindergarten to effectively ensure a high rate of success.

-Plan 2012 Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program.


8. CUSD provides high-quality facilities to ensure that each student has equitable access to safe, quality educational opportunities. Strategic Goal (5.2)


-Continue to implement SECURE CAMPUS policy at all four school sites.

-Continue to implement regularly scheduled fire, disaster and closed (prison escape) drills at all four school sites.

-Provide staff and parents with necessary updates regarding school safety and other emergency concerns. (Blackboard –ConnectEd)

-Maintain prudent fiscal practices to meet ongoing educational needs of our students, which include but are limited to, sustainable educational programs and safe, clean facilities.

-Implement facilities improvement plans and modernizations where needed.

-Participate in bond project.

-Implement Business Services Department reorganization plans.

-Continue intra-district collaboration with CUSD’s Facilities Division to prioritize site-based and district office projects.